30 Aug

Switching accounting platforms can be a challenging process, but it is sometimes necessary to achieve better functionality, cost savings, or integration with other tools. If you're moving from Sage Intacct to QuickBooks Online (QBO), you'll want to ensure that your data is transferred accurately and efficiently. This guide will walk you through the steps of converting your data from Sage Intacct to QBO, including best practices and common challenges.

Why Switch from Sage Intacct to QuickBooks Online?

Before diving into the conversion process, it’s important to understand why businesses might consider switching from Sage Intacct to QuickBooks Online:

  • Cost Efficiency: QuickBooks Online often comes at a lower price point compared to Sage Intacct, making it a more budget-friendly option for small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Ease of Use: QBO is known for its user-friendly interface, making it easier for non-accountants to manage their finances.
  • Integration: QBO offers a wide range of integrations with other apps and services, which might better suit your business needs.
  • Scalability: While Sage Intacct is great for larger enterprises, QBO can be a more flexible solution for growing businesses that need to scale their accounting functions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Converting Data from Sage Intacct to QuickBooks Online

1. Evaluate Your Data

The first step in any data conversion process is to evaluate the data you currently have in Sage Intacct. This includes:

  • Chart of Accounts
  • Customer and Vendor Information
  • Historical Transactions
  • Inventory Data
  • Payroll Data

Identify what data is essential for your business and what can be archived or discarded. This will help streamline the conversion process.

2. Backup Your Sage Intacct Data

Before making any changes, it's crucial to back up your existing Sage Intacct data. This ensures that you have a copy of your original data in case anything goes wrong during the conversion process.

3. Export Data from Sage Intacct

To transfer your data, you'll need to export it from Sage Intacct. This typically involves:

  • Exporting the Chart of Accounts: Download this as a CSV file.
  • Exporting Customers and Vendors: Export customer and vendor lists separately.
  • Exporting Transactions: Depending on your needs, you may need to export historical transactions, including sales, purchases, and bank transactions.
  • Exporting Inventory: If applicable, export your inventory data.

Each of these data sets should be exported into a format that QuickBooks Online can recognize, usually CSV or Excel files.

4. Prepare Data for Import into QuickBooks Online

Once your data is exported, you'll need to format it so that it aligns with QuickBooks Online's import requirements. This might include:

  • Mapping Data Fields: Ensure that the fields in your CSV files match the corresponding fields in QBO.
  • Cleaning Data: Remove any unnecessary data, correct any inconsistencies, and ensure that all required fields are filled out.

5. Import Data into QuickBooks Online

QuickBooks Online allows you to import data in stages:

  • Import Chart of Accounts: Start by importing your Chart of Accounts. This will form the backbone of your financial data in QBO.
  • Import Customers and Vendors: Use QBO’s import feature to bring in your customer and vendor lists.
  • Import Transactions: Import your historical transactions, ensuring that they align with your new Chart of Accounts in QBO.
  • Import Inventory: If you use inventory tracking, import your inventory data last to ensure it matches your financial transactions.

QBO provides a step-by-step import guide for each type of data, making it easier to manage the process.

6. Review and Reconcile Data

After importing your data into QBO, it’s crucial to review it for accuracy. This includes:

  • Checking the Chart of Accounts: Ensure that all accounts are correctly imported and categorized.
  • Reviewing Transactions: Verify that all transactions are correctly posted and match your historical data.
  • Reconciling Accounts: Perform a bank reconciliation to ensure that your balances match your bank statements.

7. Set Up Integrations and Automations

One of the benefits of QuickBooks Online is its integration capabilities. After your data is successfully imported, set up any integrations with other tools your business uses, such as payment processors, CRM systems, or payroll services.Additionally, consider automating repetitive tasks within QBO to save time and reduce errors.

8. Train Your Team

Finally, ensure that your team is trained on how to use QuickBooks Online. QBO offers a range of tutorials and support resources that can help your team get up to speed quickly.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

  • Data Mapping Issues: One of the most common challenges during a data conversion is ensuring that data is correctly mapped between the two systems. To overcome this, spend extra time on the data preparation step, ensuring that all fields align properly.
  • Incomplete Data: Sometimes, certain data might not export correctly from Sage Intacct. In these cases, manual entry might be necessary. It’s important to review your data carefully to catch any gaps.
  • Learning Curve: Moving to a new accounting platform can be a learning curve for your team. Consider phased training sessions to help your team gradually adjust to the new system.


Converting data from Sage Intacct to QuickBooks Online requires careful planning and execution, but with the right approach, it can be done smoothly. By following these steps and being aware of common challenges, you can ensure a successful transition to your new accounting platform. Remember, the key to a successful data conversion is thorough preparation and attention to detail.

Related Post- Converting Saasu to QuickBooks Online

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